The world can suddenly seem awfully nice when you end up sharing a post-fireworks apple pie with total strangers on the fourth of July.
As usual, I went down to Moonstone Beach to watch the fireworks display. This time I decided to get closer than usual, so I walked all the way to the hill overlooking the beach where the launchers are set up. This area was crowded with people and parked cars, but I strolled up between two pickups and positioned myself between the families tailgating out of them, and I got a great front row view of the show.
The family to my left was very friendly and talked to me a little about photographing the display. They had a table set up and it was covered with food for their celebration. When the show ended, they started their dessert, which happened to be a Linn's apple pie, but I could see that they were struggling a little in the dark, trying to find things and get the pie cut and served, all by the dim blue light of a cheap LED lantern. I was a little reluctant about stepping into their event, but I couldn't let them continue to struggle, so I lit up the table with my Clicky for a few minutes so the older lady doing the serving could get it done more easily. Afterwards they invited me to join them for some pie, and after the second invite I accepted. They were using disposable plastic flatware, which saddens the eco in me, so I accepted their paper plate but provided my own titanium spork.
It felt good. I was there celebrating the holiday alone, but I ended up getting pulled into the celebration of a family of strangers, and I was able to contribute to their celebration. For a brief moment, I got to play at normal family holiday life, and it felt pretty nice.